L'Institut supérieur de gestion L'ISG Inc.
Harvard University Global System
Groupe de gestion Harvard®

Alain Paul Martin's Management Workshops
Applying Harvard University Global System™

Recent Customer Video Testimonials

  • Global IT Company Executive
    Exemplary Leadership, Strategy Formulation and Advanced Negotiation Skills
    Workshops and Coaching in English, French and Spanish
  • Senior Executive Development
    Large Financial Institution (Banking, Insurance)
    Strategic Thinking, Governance and Exemplary Leadership
    Workshops in French and English
  • Senior Executive Development
    Large Non-Governmental Organizations
    Strategic Thinking, Governance and Exemplary Leadership
    Workshops in English
  • Large-Scale Engineering R&D Projects
    Advanced Risk and Project Management Workshops, Pacific Coast
  • New Managers & Team Leaders
    in High Technology, Defense, Small Business and Governments
    Exemplary Leadership, Team-Building in English, French and Spanish
  • Administrative Assistants, Executive Secretaries and Presidential Assistants
    National and International Clients from Business and Governments
      Home Page: Seminars

International  L'Institut supérieur de gestion ISG Inc.
+1 819‐772‐7777. Sans Frais (Ligne verte) : Canada et États-Unis : 1‐800‐HARVARD (1‐800‐427‐8273)
du mardi au jeudi : 9h00‑16h00, HNE. Boîte vocale : 24 heures 7 jours
Canada  Centre mondial de formation et de commandes de produits : 70 boul. de la Technologie, Gatineau, QC, J8Z 3H8, CANADA
Agendas Harvard et instruments 
   de gestion Harvard en France: 
   Démarche Harvard University Global System  Fournisseur d'agendas Harvard en France: WH Smith, 248, rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France
Contact : Sylvie Goffinet  +33 1 53 45 84 40. Métro Concorde.

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