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Book Index
Harnessing the Power of Intelligence,
Counterintelligence and Surprise Events

By: Alain Paul Martin
Special Collaboration
Dr. Brian Morrissey

ISBN: 0-86502-924-5

"Must Reading. Alain Martin proposes a solid contemporary vision of risk management, with a rigorous method that is simple, practical and very effective, regardless of the size and current situation of the firm. Today, no organization is immune to surprises or perturbing events. We must learn how to promptly decipher the meaning of these events in order to manage their impact. Martin's framework is equally useful to effectively plan and manage strategic change involving stakeholders with various vested interests. I recommend this excellent book to those who must lead their organization to the cutting edge, or simply wish to be equipped to better manage uncertainty."
Gilles Morin, Vice-President, e-Business
Export Development Canada

0   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

10K, 67
10kwizard, 67
3M, 34
9-11, 105

ABC, 67, 102
ABI/Inform, 69
Abitibi Consolidated, xiii, 61, 67
Achievers, VALST, 173, 50
Activex, 85
Ad Facts, 63, 88
Adobe PostScript, 141
Advanced Scout, 12
AFP, 69
Agassi, Andre, 107
Agile organization, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, xv, 118, 182
AHP, 128
AIM toothpaste, 169
Airbus, 128
Airport security, 181
Alcan, 58, 93, 127, 159
Alcatel, 29, 123, 159
Alcoa, xiv, 93, 127, 159
Allen, Paul, 141
Allende, President S., 132
Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, 159
Allies, 8, 118
  building allies, 40, 58, 150
  neglected, 158
AllTheWeb, 45, 47, 60
AltaVista, 48, 67, 12, 131, 169
AMCC, 123
American Express, 123, 166
American Society for Association Executives, 13
American Society of Information Security, 85
Ames, Aldrich, 126
AMR, 43
Andersen, 131
Anheuser-Busch, 102
Annual Report Service, Public Register, 67
AOL Time Warner, xv
AOL, 48, 101, 102, 128
  Time Warner, 102, 128, 159
AP, 69
Apple, 143
Architect of change. See Conductor
ARIADNE Foundation, 72
Armstrong, Darrell, 12
Armstrong, Lance, 125
Arthur D. Little, 69
ASAE. See American Society for Association Executives
ASIS. See American Society of Information Security
Ask Jeeves, 48
ASP, 164
Assignment Editor, 69
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, 18
AT&T, 123, 165
ATCO, xiii
Auger, François, xiii
Avilar, 71

Back Orifice 2000 hacker software BO2K, 81
Baird, David, xiii
Balancing standards and innovation, 19
Ballmer, Steve, 141
Bank One, 30
Bank Rate Monitor, 27
Banking journals, 69
Barker, Joe, 44
Barnes & Noble, 12
Barnes, By, xiv
Barnett, Arnold, xiv
Barron's Magazine, 149
Batelle, 69
BBC, 67
BCA. See Brand-Cluster Analysis
Beaudry, Marc, xvi
Beckhard, Richard, xiv, 107
Behavior modification, 130
Believers, VALST, 174
Bell Canada, 41, 128
Benchmarking, 9, 39
Benetton, 129
Benford's Law, 36
Bennett, Kitty, 62
Bérard, André, xiii
Berg, Norm, xiv
Berkowitz, Bruce, 24
Bertelsmann, 159
Best practices, 9
  intellectual and physical property protection, 87
Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence (The), 89
Best-run companies, 3, 37, 80, 85
Bhopal, 106, 128
Bic, 80, 68, 49, 49
Blackboard, 71
BlackIce, 85
Blackwell, Mathew, xvi
Blair, Prime Minister Tony, 116
Blog. See Weblog
Blood pressure monitor, 176
Bloomberg, 68, 69, 102
Bloomberg, Mayor Michael, 109
Blueline, 58
Boeing, xi, xiv, 111, 128, 131, 150, 151, 181
  B747, 132, 134
  B777, 151
Boise Cascade, 57
Boliden, 181
Bombardier, xi, xiii, 41, 128, 181
Borders, 12
Bosloy, Syd, xvi
Bouchahda, Aziza, xvi
Bourget, Wilbrod, xiii
Brain (The), 54
  collective critique, 161
  protocol, 161
  self-critique, 161
Brand-Cluster Analysis, 158, 165
Brandt, Willy, 142
Break-ins, 85
Breman, Patricia, xv
Brigham Young University
  Marriott School, xiii
Brint, 70
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 10
Britannica, 67
British Airways, 151
Broad scanning, 33
Brookings Institution, 69
Bruns Jr., William, xiii, xiv
Buckman Laboratories, 23
Buffett, Warren, 124, 141
Building a culture of ethical intelligence, 15
Building a Great Nation, 181
Bunuel, Luis, 129
Bush, President George Sr., 112, 158
Bush, President George W., 45, 111, 125
Business intelligence. See Intelligence
Business Source, 68
Business Week, 21, 63

C.D. Howe Institute, 69, 65
Calais, 79
California, 72, 109
California Clean-Air Act, 110
Caltech, 67
Cambridge University, 108
Campus Cruiser, 71
Campus Pipeline, 71
Canada Stockwatch, 68
CanadaOne, 50
Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 118, 126, 182
Canadian Forces, xiii
Canadian International Development Agency CIDA, 148, 182
Canadian Security Intelligence Service, 86
Canadian Tire, xiii
Canalsur, 134
Canon, 13, 102
Cap-Gemini, 181
Carnegie Mellon University, xiv
Carroll, John, xiii
Carter, President Jimmy, 112, 124, 143
Case studies
  $30 million lesson from banking, 103
  9-11 tragedies, 99
  Alcan, Dofasco, Stelco, 58
  Amazon, Honda, Kodak, Xerox, Fuji, 12
  American Express, 123
  anti-tobacco law, 109
  Benetton provocative advertising, 129
  Bloomberg tobacco ban, 109
  Boeing, 150
  Canalsur (Spain), 134
  Darwin, Charles, 108
  Dell's Linux strategy, 109
  disgruntled employee and software hacker, 81
  DuPont, 83
  eBay, 101
  Ford and Toyota, 109
  GE Power Systems, 84
  GE-Honeywell aborted merger, 123
  Glainard, 40
  hospitals, 13
  IBM, Then and now, 99
  International Campaign to Ban Landmines, 147
  investment cases, 122
  John-Paul II, Pope, 111
  Kidder Peabody, 103
  Lance Armstrong, 125
  lap top and PDA risks, 84
  Millennium Pharmaceuticals, 101
  Mitsubishi, 149
  NBA Orlando Magic, 11
  Nike, Siemens and Anheuser-Bush, 102
  Nippon Roche, 11
  Pasteur Institute, 129
  patent piracy, 82
  policy incubation, Mad Cow Disease & vCJD, 115
  predators, 80
  public affairs, 124
  Rockefeller Foundation, 108
  Salvation Army, 13
  SmithKline Beecham & Bristol-Myers Squibb, 10
  social marketing, 130
  Southwest Bell, 24
  stem-cell migration, 50
  stock market bubbles, 104
  thermodynamics, 121
  U.S. Constitution, 147
  VALSTM, 171
Casimir, 111
Castro, President Fidel, 124
Caveo, 85
CBC, 67, 181
CBS, 102
CCN, 35, 69
CCS International, 74
Celebrity endorsement, 107
Census Bureau, 28, 29
Center of Instructional Technology, UC San Francisco, 71
CERN Library, 49
CESG. See Communication-Electronics Security Group
CF18 Fighter Program, xv
Chabasse, Dr. Philippe, 148
Champion. See Issue champion
Champion, David, 101
Chang Kai-Chek, 158
Change, 139, 144
  agent, 19, 59, 72, 105, 142, 152
  catalyst, 107
  resistance, 140
Change makers, 152
Channel agnostic, 76
Chase Bank, 124
Chateauvert, Jeanine, xvi, 49
Chernobyl, 105
Chevalier dans l'Ordre du Mérite Agricole, 182
Chief Intelligence Officer, xi, 17, 19
Chile, 150
China, 158, 181, 182
Chirac, President Jacques, 126, 158
Chrétien, Prime Minister Jean, 158
Chrysler, 13
Chun Wei Choo, xii
CIA, 75, 86, 126
CIBC, 103, 159
CIO Insight and Computer World, 10
Cisco Systems, 48, 123
Citigroup, 112, 128
Civic, Honda, 13
Clinton, President Bill, 67, 111, 125
Clinton, Senator Hillary, 112
CML Emergency Services, 88
CNBC, 59, 67, 75, 102, 123
CNN, 35, 177
CNNfn, 67
CNRS, 53
Coaching. See Leadership: coaching
Coalitions, 158
Co-branding, 165
Coca Cola, 127, 128, 149, 164
Colgate, 169
Collaborative filtering, 166
Colorado Fuel and Iron, 108
Colton, Frank, 149
Columbia, 133
Columbia Books, 62
Columbia Teachers College, 70
Communication, 163
  collaborative, 71
  corporate image, 168
  crisis, 118
  directories, 49
  media, 3, 46
  objective phase, 113
  protocols, 87
  skills, 15
  strategy, 176
  technologies, 24
  toolkit, 166
  value, 129
  wireless, 92
  XML, 73
Communication-Electronics Security Group, 85
Communications Security Establishment, xi, xv, 85
Community, definition, 139
Company Finder, 50
Compatibility, 20
Competencies, 15
Competia, 74
Competition, 3, 8, 25, 36, 92, 150, 163
  asymmetric, 4
  cooperation with competitors, 58, 59
  grouping, 8
  predicting entrants, 58
  rivalry, 4, 8
  simulating & shadowing, 37
Competitive advantage, 41, 164
Competitive intelligence. See Intelligence: competitive intelligence
Complaints portals, 88
Computational linguistics experts, 35
Computrace, 85
Condenzio, Leonard, 83
Condit, Phil, 132, 151
Conductor, 107, 112, 132, 139, 141, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 166
Conference Board, 28, 62, 69
Confucius, 142
Connecticut, 72
Connectivity, 85
Conoco Canada Resources, xiii
Conoco Inc., xiii, 98
Constituency mining. See Mining constituencies
Constitutency phase, 116
Contacts, informal. See Allies:building allies
Contrarian Investor, 131
Cookies, 164
Copernic, 53, 54
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 105
Copyright, 70
COR Therapeutics, 101
Corel, 29, 131
  WordPerfect, 47
Cornell University, 70
Corning, 123
Corporate memory, 57
Corr, Peter, xiii
Corvair, 106
Corvis, 123
Council on Foreign Relations, 69
  bogus career ads, 160
  books in French, 212
  common practices, 79
  consultations, 89
  definition, 5, 30, 79, 82
  espionage, 82
  experts, 85
  first commandment, 80
  investment, 93
  leadership, 17
  military G2, 20
  mission-critical, 94
  oil company, 24
  passwords under duress, 91
  questions, 89
  road map, 89
  services, 87
  targets, 89
  videos, 86
  webliography, 89
  French, 208
Cousteau, Jacques, 125
Cover Girl, 164, 169
Covert agent, 159
Crawford, Cindy, 107
Credit Suisse, xiii
Crest toothpaste, 169
Critical mass, 116
CRK Interactive, 71
Crossfield, Scott, 145
Cryptography, 85
CSC, 169
CSE. See Communications Security Establishment
CSIS. See Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Cuban Missile Crisis, 132
Culture, 164
  contributions to, 17
  cultural mindset, 15
  of intelligence, 16
  security, 15
Cunningham, Dan, xiii
Customers, 7, 156, 163
  buying habits, 164
  relationship management, 5
  targeting, 164
  taste affinity, 166
  understanding, 176
Cyberalert, 35, 63
CyberAngel, 85
  product positioning, 163

Dae Jung, President Kim, 141
Daimler-Chrysler, 158
Dali Lama, 142
Dali, Salvador, 129
Daring rider, 144
Darwin, Ann, 124
Darwin, Charles, 108
Data source. See Intelligence:collection
DC-10, 106
DeAngelis, Tino, 124
Decision making, 4, 16, 113
Decision trees, 37
Defense against foes, 158
  del Saz, Nuria, 134
Delaware, 109
Dell Computers, 111, 128
Dell, Michael, 109, 141
Deloitte Consulting, xiv
Demographics, 163
Demuth, Holger, xiii
Department of National Defence, xiv, xvi, 155
Desjardins, xv, 159
Deterrents against unethical competitors, 92
DiamondCluster Int'l, xiv
Dickson, Denise, xiii
Dieppe, 79
Digital, 143
Digital library, 49
Digital signatures, 86
Dion, Celine, 107
Direct attacks, 158
Direct observation, 5
Directories, 53
  communications, 49
  global, 69
  health, 49
  law, 67
  legal, 49
  multimedia, 50
Disaster recovery, 86, 93
Discontinuity, 4, 8, 65
Dishman, Paul, xiii
Dislocation, 4
Ditto Visual Search Engine, 50
DK satellites, 91
DND. See Department of National Defence
Do Doan, Hahn, xvi
Docent, 71
Doctorow, Cory, 63
DOD. See U.S. Government:Department of Defense
Dofasco, 58, 93
Dogpile, 53
Douglas, William, 178
Dow Jones, 55
  Interactive, 68
Duguay, Denis, xvi
Dumpster Diving
  telephone numbers, 81
Dun & Bradstreet, 62, 67, 81
Dunham, Archie W., xiii
  Consulting Solutions, 87
  demo-psychographics, 169
  DuPont University, 70
  foreign-spy event, 83
  tragic event (1971), 160
Dynamic situation, 4
Dynamics of power, 7
Dynergy, 131

E.I. du Pont de Nemours. See DuPont
Early warning system, 4, 7, 72, 118
Easy Rider, 110
eBay, 98, 101, 169
EBB Foreign threat portal, 86
Ebrary, 70
E-Business Strategy, 181
Economic espionage, 86
Economic intelligence, 27
Economies of scale, 19
Economist Intelligence Unit, 28
Eden, Aaron E., 81
Edison, Thomas, 144
EDS, 134
E-education, 71
EIU Country Reports, 68
EKP. See Enterprise Knowledge Platform
Electronic surveillance
subtle ways to hide equipment, 91
Elf, 105
Eli Lilly, xiii, 123
Ellison, Larry, 141
Emerging markets, 4
Emulex, 75
EnCase forensic software, 81
Encryption, 85, 92
Energy conservation, 176
Enhanced 9-1-1, 88
Enovid, 149
Enron, 123, 133
Enterprise Knowledge Platform, 17, 25, 38, 54
Enterprise resource management, 5
Equity Resources Group Inc., xiv
Ericsson, 123, 159
eSignal, 68
Ethical and legal means, 5, 7
Evaluating performance, 23
  isolated events, 115, 124
  definition, 99
  finding the nuggets, 40
  power, 100
  scanning, 101, 133
  surprise events, 6, 8, 94, 104, 106, 107, 114, 118, 121, 157
  equilibrium, 122
  historic, 124, 127
  hitch-hiking on events, 38, 132
  investment, 122
  lessons, 123
  orchestrated, 128
  personal, 135
  social marketing, 130
  tidal waves, 131
Excite, 67, 43, 117, 181, 182, 14, 62, 37, 115
Experiencers, VALST, 173
Export Development Canada, 28, 181
Exxon Valdez, 127
ExxonMobil, xiv

F1. See Factional ScaleTM:F1
F2. See Factional ScaleTM:F2
F3. See Factional ScaleTM:F3
F4. See Factional ScaleTM:F4
F5. See Factional ScaleTM:F5
F6. See Factional ScaleTM:F6
F7. See Factional ScaleTM:F7
Faber, David, 123
Factional ScaleTM, 6, 119, 153, 162, 166, 178
  7-faction universe, 155
  acquired foes F5, 158
  born foes F5, 158
  clever adversaries, 158
  competitors, 158
  covert use of F6s and F7s, 158, 159
  definition, 155
  demagogues, 160
  disgruntled employees, 160
  dissidents, 161
  F1, 156
  F2, 156
  F3, 156
  F4, 157
  F5, 158
  F6, 159
  F7, 160
  hard-core criminals, 160
  ongoing cooperation, 158
  orchestrated F7, 161
  ringleaders, 160
  tapping the potential of F4s, 157
  terrorists, 160
  what motivates F2s, 156
Factiva, 54
False information. See Misinformation
Falwell, Jerry, 108
Fashion world, 72
FAST Search and Transfer, 48
FBI, 83, 84, 86
Federation of American Scientists, 88
Fedorowicz, Jan, xvi
Ferdinand, Archduke, 124
Field Warehousing, 124
Finance Canada, 118
Finance journals, 69
Financial Time TV, 67
FindLaw, 50
Firewalls, 86
FirstGov, 48
Fisher, Roger, xiv
Fisheries & Oceans Canada, xiii, 182
Fletcher, John, xiii
Florence, Italy, 72
Focus groups, 5
Focused scanning, 34
Foelak, Judge Carol F., 103
Food-safety crisis, 120
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), 117
Forbes Magazine, 141
Ford Motors, 43, 54, 158
Ford, Henry, 109, 158
  modeling biases, 36
Forrester Research, 167
Fortezza, 92
Fortune Magazine, 21, 23, 83, 141, 143
Fournier, Pierre, xv
Framework, 9, 14, 16
  Michael Porter, 7
France Ministry of Agriculture, 182
France-Soir, 125
Fraser Institute, 69
freeEDGAR, 67
Free-thinkers, 108
F-ScaleTM. See Factional ScaleTM
Fuji, 13
Fujitsu, 80
Fuld, Leonard, 30, 37, 54, 74, 75, 89
Fuzzy-set mathematics, 36

Galaxy, 46
Gale Research, 62
Galileo, 105
Gallup, 69, 73, 113
Gandhi, 142
Gatekeeper, 142
Gates, Bill, 25, 141
Genentech, 98
General Dynamics
NB50 Nuclear Boat, xv
General Electric, 103, 111, 144, 181
  GE Power Systems, 84
General Motors, 158, 165, 181
Georgeou, Tina, xiii
Gepes, Amy, xiii
Gerstner, Lou, 111, 143
Gillette, 80
Gingras, Simon, xvi
Giscard D'Estaing, Valery, 158
Giuliani, Rudolph, 125
GlaxoSmithKline, 10
Glazer, Isabelle, xvi
Global Method, xi
Global Security Solutions, IBM, 87
Global-reports, 67
Globe & Mail, 69, Disney, 67
Golden Gate University, 65
Goodman, Allan E., 24
Google, 25, 45, 61, 62
  Advanced Search, 67
  features, 47
  Google Answers, 60
  Google Directory, 46, 52, 53
  Google Groups, 65, 67
  limitations, 45
  ranking, 50, 63
Gore, Al, 112
Goudie, Claudette, xvi
Goudie, Linda, xvi
Goudie, Richard, xvi
Governing in a World of Surprise Events, 181
Government, 115
  documentation, 66
  Government of Canada, 52
  policy, 66
  sites foreign governments, 65
GPO Access, 66
Graham, Billy, 108
Green Party, 111
Greenspan, Alan, 122
Gretsky, Wayne, 107
Gross, William H., 149
Ground Zero, 86
Gurfein, Judge Murray I., 140

Hamel, Gary, 110
Harbour, John, xv
Hardaway, Penny, 12
Harding MD, U. of Iowa, 52
Harvard Business Review, 101, 135
Harvard Planners, 58, 166
Harvard University, 67
Business School, xiii, xiv, 181
  Center for Astrophysics, 49
  Law School, xiv
  Medical School, 70
  School of Public Health, xiv
Harvard University Global SystemT HUGS, xi, 181
HarvardT Strategy Grid, 161
Hassan, Fred, xiii
Hawking, Stephen, 99
Hayes, Samuel, xiii, xiv
HBS Working Knowledge, 70
Health Canada, 118
Health care journals, 69
Health directories, 49
Health On the Net, 49
HealthAtoZ, 50
Henault, General Ray R., xiii
Herring, Jan P., 72, 75
Hession, Paul, xiii
Hewlett-Packard, 65, 83
Hidden agenda, 158
High-payoff targets, 8
Hilton, 181
Hitch-hiking on events, 38, 132
Holocaust, 147
Honda, 13
Honeywell, 123
Hoover's Online, 67, 68
HotBot, 61, 67
Hough, Bernie, xvi
HTML, 35
Hudson Institute, 69
Hudson, Rock, 129
Human dynamics, 20
Human resources, 7, 11, 25, 90, 150
  attracting best talent, 163
HUMINT. See Intelligence
HUMINTT Contact, 181
Hyperwave eKnowledge Suite, 54

Iacocca, Lee, 158
IBM, 11, 64, 80, 99, 111, 123, 128, 129, 131, 143, 149
  Advanced Scout, 11
ICBL, 148. See International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Ichilov Hospital, 130
iCivilEngineer, 49
ICT. See Institute for Creative Technology
IEEE, 72, 102
Impact evaluation, 39
IMS Global Learning Consortium, 72
Incentives, 23
Indianapolis, 81
  agility, 9
  social and economic, 28
Industrial espionage, 29
Inferential intelligence, 4, 164
Inferential scanning, 34, 36, 68
Information security
  consulting, 85
  technical assistance for accredited Canadian software developers and banks, 86
  training, 85
Information technology IT, 20, 69
Informine, 61
Innovation, 6, 73, 158
Innovators, VALST, 171
Insana, Ron, 28
INSEAD, xiv, xv
Institute for Creative Technology, 93
Insurance journals, 69
Intel, 64, 101, 102, 123
Intellectual capital, 4
Intellectual property, 76, 86
  tacit knowledge, 89
  agents, 72, 82
  analysis and interpretation, 6, 21, 36
  challenges, 15
  cluster analysis, 36
  cross impact, 36
  development funnel, 36
  future wheels, 36
  mapping, 36
  modeling, 36
  S-curve, 36
  spotting patterns, 64
  audit, 39
  behavior to watch for, 90
  blind resource, 160
  books, xii, 205
  books in French, 212
  bottlenecks, 39
  bottom line, 39
  capital, 16, 38
  coaching, 181
  collection, 5, 16, 32, 58
  primary & secondary sources, 5
  skills, 61
  communicating, 38
  competitive intelligence, 9, 10, 28, 76, 162, 166
  cases. See Case studies
  definition, 29
  covert use of F6s, 159
  criminal activity, 88
  culture, xi, 16, 17
  defensive role, 5
  definition, 3
  diffusion, 37
  documentation, 39
  doomed spies, 159
  economic, 27
  embedded, 16
  espionage, 29
  explicit knowledge, 3, 22, 31, 32
  file seeding, 94
  foreign, 4, 86
  framework, xv, 16, 115
  from the police back to the community, 88
  goals, 7, 15
  governments, 65
  hostile agents, 91
  Human Intelligence HUMINT, 5, 177
  knowledge attributes, 3
  knowledge creation, 17, 29
  knowledge repository, 38
  law enforcement, 88
  leaks, 80
  linkages between products and target audiences, 166
  military, G2, 20
  mission critical, 94
  needs, 32
  offensive role, 5
  open-source, 36, 41, 75
  oral and tacit, 75
  personal level, 7
  processing platforms, 5
  professionals, 22
  projects, xi
  public safety, 88
  quarterbacking, 72
  resources, 21
  results, 13
  road map, 30
  security, 30, 87
  seeding and scattering knowledge-based assets, 91
  services, 74, 91
  sharing, 17, 19, 25
  software, 11, 37
  sources, 5, 74
  crafting your list, keeping it current, 74
  real-estate promoters, 41
  tacit knowledge, 20, 31, 32, 39, 75, 90
  tactical reconnaissance, 5
  targeting practices, 16, 86
  tips and links (FAS), 88
  trade shows, 72
  training, xii, 24
  customers with multiple loyalties, 57
  two key functions, 5
  value, 90
  verification, 75
  verifying news stories, 35
  webliography, 89, 208
Intelligence analysis and interpretation
  linear exptrapolation, 36
Intelligence Review, Jane's, 69
Intelligent agent, 54, 60
Intelligent Indexing, Factiva, 55
Intelligent organizations, 13
International Campaign to Ban Landmines, 147
International Committee of the Red Cross, 148
International Development Research Centre, 148
International Olympic Committee, 149
Internet mining - some caveats, 75
Internet Explorer. See Microsoft
Internet Public Library, 62
Interviews, 5, 36
InvestorGuide, 68, 68
Invisible platforms, 15
Invisible Web, 28, 60, 70
  business database selection tool, 61
  tutorials, 61
IPOcentral, 68
IPOexpress, 68
Iran, 150
Irin, 67
Isolated events. See Events:isolated events
ISP server logs, 164
iSpy, 85
ISS Integrated Security Solutions, xiii, 87
Issue champion, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 149, 151
Issue incubation, 132
Issue manager, 17, 19, 20, 32, 38, 67
  selection, 24
  training, 24
Issue rider, 105, 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 151, 152, 156
  behavior, 143
  daring rider, 144
  gatekeeper, 142
  godparent of change, 142
  honest, 112
  multiple issues, 112
  power base, 152
  protection, 143
  public sector, 112
  ruling elite, 143
  safety valve, 142
  strategic, 111
  timing commitment, 113
  versus conductor, 144
  Washington, 143
Issue tag, 106
Ixquick, 53

Jackson Library, 52
Jackson, Mervyn, 164
Jackson, Robert, xiii
James, Philip, 116
Jansen, Jean-Peter, xiii
Japan, 150
Japan Airlines, 151
JDS Uniphase, 123
Jefferson, Thomas, 124
Jenzabar, 71
Jett, Joseph, 103
Jobs, Steve, 158
John-Paul II, Pope, 111
Johnson & Johnson, xv, 34
  baby powder, 34
Joint Strike Fighters, 131
Jones E-Global Library, 70
Jones Knowledge, 70
Jospin, Prime Minister Lionel, 126
Joudrie, Earl, xiii
Journalists, 105
Journals, 70
Jung, Werner, xiii
Justice Canada, 118

Kaiser, 93
Karolinska Institute, 53
Keebler, 128
Keiretsu, 13
Kekre, Sunder, xiii
Kellogg, 83, 128
Kennedy, President John F., 132
Kernen, Joe, 75
Keynes, John Maynard, 134
Khrushchev, Chairman Nikita, 132
Kidder Peabody, 103
Kids Can Free the Children (KCFTC), 125
Kielburger, Craig, 125
Kmiecic, Eva, xv
Knight-Ridder, 69
Knowledge. See Intelligence
Kodak, 13, 149
Kohl, Helmut, 110
Kohout, Mark, xv
Kolisnek, George, xiii
Kroger, 54
Kroll, 87
Kryptonite, 85
Lafleche, Roger, xvi
Langan, Michael D., xv
LapTrak, 85
Larousse, 127
Lavoisier, 108
Law enforcement, 48
Law journals, 69
LawGuru, 50, 50
Leadership, 6, 15, 19, 90, 103, 126
  achievers, 173
  behind the scenes, 145
  coaching, 12, 19, 23, 33, 44, 141, 150, 151, 181
  complacency, 12
  Condit, Phil, 151
  conductors, 144
  counterintelligence, 17
  Dae Jung, Kim, 141
  empowering talent, 7
  in a crisis, 117
  innovators, 172
  intelligence, 21
  issue riders, 142
  Mullaly, Alan, 151
  Pincus, Gregory, 149
  R&D organization, 182
  risk-taking, 7
  Strong, Maurice, 148
  team leaders, 18, 22, 136, 147
  thinkers, 173
  training grounds, 141
  Uberroth, Peter, 148
  Wallenberg, Raoul, 146
  Watson, Greg, 147
  Williams, Jody, 147
  workshops, 181
Leading economic indicators, 28
Leaks, 85
LearnLinc, 71
Learnspace, Lotus, 71
Leduc, Paul, xvi
Leg al directories, 49
Legal Research Guide, 50
LEI. See Leading economic indicators
Lessons learned, 117
Levin, Mark, 101
Lewin, Kurt, 107
Lewinsky, Monica, 125
LexiQuest, 54
Lexis-Nexis, 68
Librarians' Index, 61
Lifestyles, 163, 164
Linux, 109, 68
LIVES Analysis, 167
Locke, John, 135
Lockheed Martin, 131
Logo Business Systems, xiv
London Business School, 43
Long-Stanton Manufacturing, xiii
Looksmart, 46
Los Angeles Times, 92
Lotus, 111
Louis Harris, 69
Louisiana Purchase, 124
Love Canal, 106
Lucent, 123, 159
Ludlow Massacre, 108
Lufthansa, xiii, 151
Lycos, 67

MacKenzie King, William Lyon, 108
Mad Cow Disease, 115
  vCJD, 115
Madison, James, 147
Madonna, 107
Makers, VALST, 174
Malone, Chuck, 66
Mann, Howard, xiv
Manoussi, Azadeh, xvi
Mao Tse-tung, 135, 158
Market Guide, 67, 68
Market penetration, 37
Market share
  improvement tools, 163
  role of surprise events, 128
  success story, 176
Marketing journals, 69
Markle, Karen, xvi
Marriott, 83
Martin, Alain Paul, 43, 115, 181
Martin, Helene, xvi
Martin, Paul, 43, 158
Martinelli, Rick, xvi
Maslow hierarchy of needs, 119, 49
MasterCard International Inc., xiii
Max Planck Institute, 53
MaxFactor, 169
Maxwell, James, 121
MBBS. See Meantime Between Bad Surprises
MBGS. See Meantime Between Good Surprises
MBTI. See Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator
McCain Foods, xiv
McCracken, Douglas, xiv
McDonald's, 149
McFarlan, F. Warren, xiv
McGill University, 70
McKinsey, 168
Meantime Between Bad Surprises, 9
Meantime Between Good Surprises, 9
Measuring success, 39
Mediamark Research Inc., 168
Medical Matrix, 50
  high visibility, 118
Melnitzer, Julius, 103
Meloche, Vincent, 160
Mentergy, 71
Meredith Corporation, xiii
MetaCrawler, 53
Meta-engines, 53
Meta-tags, 30
Metcalfe, Bob, 133
MetLife, 181
Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator, 22
Miami Heat, 11
Michigan, 72
Microfilm, 70
Microsaver, 85
Microsoft, 80, 82, 90, 102, 109, 123, 129
  Excel, 47
  Internet Explorer, 43, 45, 47, 52
  MSN Search Engine, 43, 47, 52
  Office, 47
  Windows, 109
  Word, 47
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, 101
Millikan Library, Caltech, 67, 65
Ming-Chueh Chang, 149
Mining constituencies, 74, 163
  collaborative filtering, 166
  cross-selling opportunities, 165
  database mining, 164
  data-mining engines, 166
  E-commerce, 165
  impact of values, 167
  preference-analysis software, 166
  subcultures, 167
  tailoring content, 166
  technology optimists & pessimists, 167
  untapped opportunities, 166
Mining virtual communities. See Mining constituencies
Ministry of Defense, Singapore, 70
Minolta, 13
Minuteman missile, 150
Misinformation, 35, 36
MIT, xiv, 67, 70, 75, 107
  Open Knowledge Initiative, 72
  Sloan School of Management, xiii
  System Dynamics Group, 69
Mitchell, Arnold, 168
Mitel, 29
Mitsubishi Corporation, 149
Mitsui, xiv
Model T, Ford, 109
Monitors, 17
  corporate and local, 22
  qualities, 21
  teams, 24
  training, 23
Monsanto, 72
Moore, Thaddeus T., xiv
Morale boosters, 9
Morningstar, 68
Morrissey, Dr. J. Brian, xv, 115, 182
Motley Fool, The, 68, 69
Motorola, 70, 72, 75
MP3, 159
MRI, 167. See Mediamark Research Inc.
MSN. See Microsoft
MS-NBC, 102
Mullaly, Alan, 151
Music Robot, 50

Nader, Ralph, 112, 135
Nakagawa, T., xiv
Napster, 159, 68
NASA, 49, 146
National agenda, 143
National Bank of Canada, xiii, 103
National Basketball Association, 11
National Counterintelligence Executive, 86
National Infrastructure Protection Center, 86
National Institute of Health, 52
National Library of Medicine, 49, 52
National Post, The, 69
National Research Council, 52, 66
NATO, xvi
Navigational searches, 43
NBA. See National Basketball Association
NBC, 102
Nearsite, 65
NEC Research Index, 49
Negotiation, 162, 166
  difficult people, 160
  untapped opportunities, 157
  workshops, 181
Netherlands, The, 72
Network authentication, 86
New Democratic Party, 111
New patterns, 36
New Scientist, 115
New York Stock Exchange, 87
New York Times, The, 21, 59, 110, 140
News aggregators, 34, 46, 62, 63
News sources, 62
Newsgroups, 65
Newswire services, 69
NGOs, 13
Nicholson, Jack, 107
Nielsen, A.C., 29
Nike, 102
Nippon Roche, xiv, 3, 11
Nobel Peace Prize, 142, 148
Nokia, 123
Non-commercial Websites, 35
Non-profit organizations, 13
NORAD, xiv
Normandy, 79
Nortel, 29, 123, 128, 159
North-American Quotations, 68
NSA. See U.S. Government: National Security Agency
Nuggets, 10, 40, 48, 51, 81

Objectives, 98
  hidden, 160
OECD, 69, 74
Ohno Tai-ichi, 109
Okuda, Hiroshi, 144
Olchanietski, Dr. Alexandre, 130
Olympus Optical, 82
Oncology team, 10
Online learning, 70
Online libraries, 60, 70
Open-source Intelligence, 5
Opinion polls, 116
Opinion Research Corp., 69
Opportunities, xi, 15, 146
  accidental, 34
  alliance, 165
  anticipation, 5, 6, 113, 121
  audit, 17
  co-branding, 158
  counterintuitive, 131
  cross-selling, 158
  government, 66
  growth, 8
  identification, 28, 29
  incubation, 36, 97, 98, 139
  investment, 122, 123
  job, 84
  learning, 25, 52, 173
  online education, 70
  orchestration, 136
  planning, 98
  product, 175
  resource allocation, 142
  scanning, 20
  surprise events, 132
  untapped, 14, 164
  unusual, 97
Oracle, 80, 82, 90
Orlando Magic, 11
OSINT. See Open-source Intelligence
Ostrov, Gerald M., xv
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 132
Ottawa Convention, 148
Outstanding Achievement Award, 182
Oversight committee, 18

Pacific Investment Management Fund, 149
Pacific yew, 10
Paine Webber, 103
Pandia, 45
Paradigm traps, 15
Passive supporters, 156
Password bypass, 85
Pasteur Institute, 129
Patents, 82
Pattern analysis, 12
PDI Global Intelligence, 62
Pechiney, 93, 159
Pension plan provider, 176
Pentium Papers, The, 64
Pentium, Intel, 64
Pepsi, 164
Perel, Lou, xvi
Performance evaluation, 23, 150
Perot, Ross, 112, 125, 158
Personality traits, 163
Peters, Tom, 135
Pfizer, xiii, 128
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, xiii
Pharmacia Corporation, xiii
Phillips Group, 74
Phillips, Lord Justice, 117
Phoenix Consulting Group, 87
Photography, 5
PhysLink, 49
Pincus, Dr. Gregory, 149
Planning, 31, 58
Plog, Stanley, 164
Polak, Fred, 73
Policy, 13, 35, 61, 73, 76, 113
  agenda, 67
  analysis (F-Scale), 162
  analysis (VALSTM), 168
  constituency, 155, 162
  economic, 134
  foreign, 66
  formulation, 15, 16, 25, 27, 31, 97, 98, 104, 114, 121, 133, 136
  government, 66
  incubation, 98
  Mad Cow Disease & vCJD, 115
  orchestrated influence, 128
  power dynamics, 161
  public policy, 137
  role of surprise events, 126
  security, 38, 86
  U.S. policy, 147
Pollution Probe, 93
Porter, Michael, 7, 29, 79, 146
Post-it Notes, 3M, 34, 68
Potworowski, André, xvi
Pound, Dick, 148
Power Corporation, 148, 67
Precautionary principle, 119
Predator interception, 92
Prescott, John, 9
Price, Gary, 61
Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, 69
Prime Minister of Canada, The, 181
Priorities, competing, 120
Privacy and personal data protection, 90
Privy Council, 118
Proactive Thinking, xi, 110
Procter & Gamble, 45, 123, 169, 181
  Crest toothpaste, 169
  Ivory soap, 37
Product positioning, 175
Productivity, 150
Profiling, 22
Profit warnings, 131
ProFusion, 53
  balanced portfolio, 9
  constituency, 155, 162
  incubation, 6
  initiation, 99
  pilot experiments, 9
  power dynamics, 161
  tracking, 5
Project Management Institute PMI, 181
Prometheus, 71
ProQuest, 68, 70
Psychographics, 160, 164, 168
  allocentrics, 165
  beta testing, 175
  chart, 161
  early adopters, 165
  government, 165
  midcentrics, 165
  profile, 156
  psychocentrics, 165
  tourism, 164
Psychology of markets. See VALSTM
Public key technology, 86
Public Safety Answering Points, 88
Puck, Wolfgang, 108

Qlogic, 123
Quality assurance, 17
Quarantine phase, 116, 131
Questia Media, 70
Questionnaires, 5
Quote, Lycos, 68
QVC, 101

Radiation security, 85
Radio-dispatch systems, 88
Rand, 69
Rapid mapping, 86, 27
Ratio analysis, 37
RCMP. See Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Reagan, President Ronald, 143
Real estate journals, 69
Recon CI Solutions, 74
Redherring, 68
Reid, Christopher, 107
Reinartz, Werner, xiv
Reitman, Ivan, 136
Religious Broadcasting Council, 149
Reportgallery, 67
Rescue crews, 86
Research Insights, Standard & Poor's, 68
Research International, 69
Research Papers, 49
Researchmag, 67
Resistance to change, 6
  intelligence gathering, 17
  mobilization, 22, 120
Return on Equity, 150
Reuters, 55, 64, 69
Reverse 9-1-1, 88
Reverse linking, 53
Revlon, 164
Rickover, Admiral H. G., 144
Ricoh, 13
Rider. See Issue rider
Riken Brain Science Institute, 52
Risk, 15, 24, 27, 43
  agents, 94
  arms race, 132
  assessment, 7
  business-interruption, 87
  case, 123
  collateral, 90
  defensive travel, 86
  disease control, 119
  environment, 90
  examples, 80
  exposure paths, 90
  global, sovereign, 98
  health, 130
  high-risk issues, 118
  human resources, 90
  identification, 5, 155, 161
  incubation, 97, 103, 139
  logging physical and virtual interactions, 90
  management, 14, 15, 18, 23, 82, 86, 87, 91, 94, 112, 142, 155, 159
     workshops, 181
  physical access, 87
  political, sovereign, 29
     9-1-1, 88
     health-care facilities, 88
     high-risk locations, 88
     intellectual property, 87
     public utilities, 88
     transporters, 88
  residual, 93
  scanning, 33
  security, 79, 91
  sovereign, 29, 98
  systematic obstruction, 3, 160
  targeted, 90
  tipping off adversaries, 76
  uncertainty, 4
  value chain, 89
  Web, 44, 49, 61
  work-related stress, 16
Robertson, Jeff, xiv
Rochefoucauld, François de la, 92
Rock, John, 149
Rockefeller Foundation, 108
Rockefeller, John D. Jr., 108
Roget's Thesaurus, 140
ROI, 39
Rolls-Royce, 41
Roman Catholic Church, 111
Roosevelt, President Franklin D., 143
Roper, 69
Rosenkrans, Wayne, 10, 18
Rossilini, Isabella, 107
Rotating issue managers and monitors, 24
Rowett Research Institute, 116
Roy, Simon, 41
Royal Bank of Canada, 103
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, xv
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, 182
Royer, Serge, xvi
Rpost e-mail registration, 88
RSA Security, 87
RSS, 63
Rule breakers, 140
Ruling elite, 143
Rumsfeld, Donald, 177

SAAB, xiii
Sabourin, Marc, xvi
Sabourin, Maurice, xvi
  best practices, 87
Salvation Army, 13
San Francisco Chronicle, 43
Sanger, Margaret, 149
Sasaki, Mikio, 150
Satellite imagery, 91
Saz, Nuria, del, 134
Scandinavian Airlines Systems SAS, xiv
Scanning, 27, 41, 58, 66, 118
  broad scanning, 33
  cost, 23
  focused, 34
  for events, 132
  isolated events, 101
  IT, 20
  print media, 59
  survey research, 73
  value chain, 20
  World Wide Web, 21
Scenarios, 37
Schiffer, Claudia, 107
Schindler Management Ltd, xiv
Schroeder, Gerhard, 110
Schweitzer, Peter, 83
SciNet Science Search, 49
SCIP. See Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, 49
ScotiaBank, 159
Scott, Bruce, xiv
Scour, 159
Script-writing, 92
Scully, John, 158
S-curve, 37
  exceptions, 37
SE Linux, 91
Seagram, 127
  Boolean, 43
  crafting queries, 44
  directories, 46, 52
  engine limitations, 45, 60
  engine tutorials, 45
  engines, 28, 43
     how they work, 61
  granular cataloguing, 53
  hits, 44
  how to, 43
  language variables, 45
  narrowing, 51, 61
  non-commercial topics, 45
  paraphrasing (AltaVista), 48
  queries, 43
  reverse engineering, 44
  tutorials, 44
  untitled Web postings, 35
  validation, 33, 67
SearchCaddy, 53, 67
Searle, G.D., 149
Secure databases, 86
Secure Web applications, 85
  airports, 87
  Awareness Bulletin, 86
  breaches, 85
  countermeasures, 86
  culture challenges, 15
  cyber-intrusion, 87
  defense establishments, 87
  disaster recovery, 87
  document encryption, 87
  documenting behavior, 87
  e-mail registration, 88
  embassies, 87
  enhanced systems, 91
  ensuring compliance, 87
  Felt language (MITRE), 86
  hi-tech companies, 87
  Internet, 86
  labs, 87
  multi-layered approach, 87
  national, 162
  NYSE and financial institutions, 87
  physical access, 87
  policy, 86, 87
  preventing unauthorized browsing, copying and manipulation of files, 87
  training, 86
  unauthorized access, 92
Severance, Dennis G., xiv
Shapiro, Ben, xiv
Sharp, 43
Shaw, Brian, 12
Shaw, Dr. Mary, 130
Shell International, xiii
Shepard, Herbert, xiv, 178
Shigeta, Hiroaki, xiv
Shiseido, 75
Shrontz, Frank, 151
Sibenius, Jim, 155
Siemens, 102, 159
Silicon Valley, 72
Simon Fraser University, 71
Simons, Bob, xiv
Six-sigma, 128
Skaalen, General Lloyd, xiv, xvi
Skanska Cement, 181
Skimming, 35
Skinner, Dr. B.F., 160
Smart cards, 86
Smartmoney, 68
Smith, Adam, 109, 135
SmithKline Beecham Corp, 10
Social radar, xi
Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, xiii, 9, 22, 29, 74
  agent, 20, 21, 24
  limitations, 37
SonicLock, 85
Sony, 48, 159
SourceCan, 66
Southwestern Bell, 24
Speculative bubble formation, 104
Sprint, 123, 165
Sputnik, 127
Spyonit, 63, 88
SRI Consulting Business Intelligence, xv, 6, 168, 171
SRIC-BI. See SRI Consulting Business Intelligence
St. Petersburg Times, 62
Staffing, 84
Stakeholders, 3, 7, 115, 151
  insight into mindset, 5
  motivation, 163
Standard & Poor's, 81
Stanford Research Institute, 69
Stanford University, 67
Stanislas, 111
Starling, Andrew, 53
Steganography, 91
Stelco, 58, 93
Stene, Cathrine F., xiv
Sterner, Tom, 12
Stock market crashes, 104
Stockhouse, 69
Strategic Intelligence Brief, 99
Strategis, 66, 67
Strategy, 32, 40
  advertising, 129
  alliance with foes, 158
  assessment, 7
  breaking defense mechanisms, 161
  business plan, 162
  communication, 176
  community-building, 162
  Dell's Linux, 109
  deterrence, 106
  direct and indirect attacks, 8
  formulation, 3, 4, 6, 24, 25, 39, 73, 79, 97, 98, 104, 114, 121, 177, 178
     Strategy Grid, 161
     VALSTM, 168
  implementation, 24
  introduction of first contraceptive-pill, 149
  journals, 69
  marketing, 175
  planning, 17
  product positioning, 163
  simulation, 93
  stratagem, 158
  strategic roles, 152
  strategic thinking, 13, 16, 162
  time-to-market option, 36
  variable ratio of intervention, 160
  workshops, 181, The, 68
Strivers, VALST, 174
Strong, Maurice, 148
  accountable organization, 17
  challenges, 18
  Chief Intelligence Officer, 17
  corporate intelligence secretariat, 17
  cost, 36
  government, 118
  hub and spokes, 18, 19
  human resources, 6, 17, 18
  integration, 25
  intelligence-centric, 16, 17
  invisible, 16
  issue manager, 17
     tasks, 17
  management and field staff, 17
  monitors, 17
  professional analysts, 17
  project-based, 19
  pruning, 150
  talent mobilization, 17
  tips to keep it simple, 23
  ultra-light, 16
Sun Tzu, 8, 114, 159, 177
  Award, 23
Suppliers, 156
Supply chain
  management, 5
  weakest points, 90
SurfWax, 53
Surprise events. See Events:surprise events
Surprise-event driven society, 133
Survey Research Center, University of Michigan, 69
Survivors, VALST, 175
Suskind, Larry, xiv
Sviokla, John, xiv
Sweden, 72
Swedish Employer Federation, 72
Swissair, 106
Sycamore, 123
Syndicated services, 69

Target, 54
Taxation journals, 69
Taxol anticancer drug, 10
Taylor, Frederick, 109
TD Bank, 103
Team leaders. See Leadership
Teamwork, xii, 7, 17, 19, 22, 23, 32, 35, 36, 38, 39, 53, 72, 99, 109, 146, 149, 163
  brainstorming, 34
  coaching. See Leadership: coaching
  team building, 13, 15, 16, 141, 150
  Team building, 151
  virtual collaboration, 3
  virtual teams, 72, 146
Technographics, 167
  disruptive, 9, 37
  perishable, 4
Tekbulut, Tugrul, xiv
  emergency services, 88
  journals, 69
Tempest, 85
Teoma Search Engine, 44, 48, 55, 74
Terra Lycos, 67
Theory of Evolution, 108
Theurillat, Jean-Claude, xiv
Thinkers, VALST, 173
Thomas, Jim, 21
Thomas, Kristen, xv
Thomasregister, 69
Thompson, Mark, xiv
Thomson, 68
Three-Mile Island, 106, 133
ThunderStore, 87, 68
TIME Magazine, 21
Time to market, 36
Time Warner. See AOL Time Warner
Timelines, 37
Time-sensitive targets, 8
Timing, 73
Toffler, Alvin, 135
Tools, 37
Topica, 68
Toscani, Olivero, 129
Tour De France, 125
Toxic Release Inventory, 128
Toyota, 109, 144
Tracking and prosecuting foreign intruders, 86
  associations, 62
  conferences, 72
  directories, 62
  groups, 13, 68
  journals, 83
  missions, 66
  secrets, 8, 82, 83
  trademark, 108
  buyers and customer service staff, 58
  coaching. See Leadership: coaching
  competitive intelligence, 24
  e-learning, 71
  information gathering, 76
  cell biology, 52
  Dow Jones Interactive, 68
  Invisible Web, 61
  newsgroups, 65
  scanning, 59
  search engines, 45
  UC Berkeley, 44
  Web-based for educators, 71
Travelers, 128
Treasury Board Canada, 118
TRI. See Toxic Release Inventory
Trudeau, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott, 124
Tyco, 131
Tylenol, 105, 106, 127

  Food Standards Agency, 117
  Labour Party, 116
  Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), 115
  Ministry of Defense, 84
  Parliament, 117
U.S. Congress, 68, 108, 111, 131, 136, 143, 146, 147
  Intelligence, 65
  Library of Congress LOC, 66
  Testimonies, 10
U.S. Constitution, 147
U.S. Government
  ANSIR National Threat Warning System, 86
  Army, 169
     Enlisted Records and Evaluation Center, 81
  Department of Agriculture, 126
  Department of Commerce, 28
  Department of Defense, 71, 86
  Department of Energy, 52, 66, 84, 93
  Virtual Library, 66
  Department of Justice, 109
  Department of State, 28, 66, 84, 86
  Environment Protection Agency, 128
  Federal Aviation Administration, 86
  FedWorld, 66
  FirstGov, 48
  Food and Drug Administration, 10, 66, 115, 149
  General Services Administration, 66
  Internal Revenue Service, 86, 124
  National Defense University, 23
  National Security Agency, 85
  Office of Biological and Environmental Research, 52
  Secret Service, 89
  Superintendent of Documents, 66
  Treasury, xv
Uberroth, Peter, 148
UC Berkeley, 44, 47, 54, 61, 67
UCC, 67
UCLA, Rosenfeld Library, 46, 61, 68
Udell, Jon, 63
UMTS, 159
United Nations, 68, 148
  Conference on Environment and Development, 148
United Technologies, 123
University of Bristol, 130
University of Chicago, 67, 70
University of Guelph, 182
University of Iowa, 52
University of Michigan Business School, xiv
University of Ottawa, Executive MBA, 182
University of Pennsylvania, 67, 70
University of Redlands, xiii
University of South California, 93
University of Texas, 147
University of Tokyo, xiv
UPI, 69
Urban VIII, Pope, 105
Ury, Bill, xiv
Usenet, 64, 76

VALSTM, xv, 6, 165, 168
  applications, 175
  psychology of markets, 168
Valuable property
  definition, 89
Value chain, 9, 20, 41, 118
  risks, 89
Value incubation, 6, 9, 36
  cycle, 97
Value proposition, 164
Values and Life Styles. See VALSTM
Vatican, 111, 68
vCJD. See Mad Cow Disease, 68
Vega, L.F., xiv
Violet, Bernard, 125
Virtual Gold, 12
Visa, 166
Vivendi, 159
Vivisimo Advanced Search, 50
Volatility Index, 101
Volvo, 165
Vulnerability assessment, 85
  staff dissatisfaction, 90
  structural vulnerabilities, 90

W.K. Kellogg Co., 83
W3C. See WWW Consortium
Wakasugi, Tak, xiv
Wall Street Journal, The, 21, 54
  WSJ online, 59
Wallenberg, Raoul, 146
Wang, Shouan, xvi
Warwick University, 182
Washington Post, The, 140
Washington, George, 124
Watergate, 127, 134
Waterman, Robert, 135
Watkins, Sharon, 140
Watson, Greg, 147
Watson, Thomas J., 143
Wayback Machine, 60
WBT Systems, 71
WebCT. See Web-based instruction
Weblog, 63
Welch, Jack, 123
Welch, John Jr., 144
Wellspring, 72
Western Electric, 127
Western Illinois University, 66
White House, 71
Whitman, Meg, 101
Wilesmith, J.W., 115
Williams Inference Center, 34
Williams, Jody, 147, 148
Wilson, President Woodrow, 108
Wilson, T.A., 150
Wireless and mobile computing, 175, 67
Wolfe, Alexander, 64
Wolters, Karen, 24
Woolner, Stewart, xv
World Anti-Doping Agency, 149
World Bank IBRD, 182
Writing craft, 134
WWW Consortium, 73
WWW Virtual Library, 52

X-15 aircraft, 145
XanEdu, 70
Xerox, 13, 141
Xillix, 82
XML, 54, 73

Y2K, 169
Yahoo, 48, 61, 67, 69, 131
Yale School of Medicine, 70
Yankelovich, 69

Zargon Oil & Gas, xiii
"A must read for senior executives. Alain Paul Martin built his concepts very cleverly with thought-provoking examples and jogs the minds of the readers to ponder deeper into the power of intelligence! This is a grand slam by Martin."
Professor Sunder Kekre
Carnegie Mellon Graduate School of Industrial Administration

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