The Professional Development InstituteTM
Harvard University Global System
Harvard® Planner Group

Take a Quick Timesaving Test

See How You May Be Foregoing at Least $4,160 a Year in Productivity
Based on an Independent Evaluation by Ernst & Young

There is a quick and revealing test to gauge how you use your time.

Please take your diary or planner. Write all the pertinent information about a meeting, its location and agenda without spilling over into the next line of appointments. Then, defer the meeting, calls or other tasks to another week without copying the data.

If this is impossible, you may be losing 10 days per year by scanning and rewriting your activities.

An Independent study by Ernst & Young has confirmed that the patented Harvard® Planner gives you back these 10 days per year. Not bad for an innovative Planner, priced between $30 and $50 (depending upon the size), including shipping, handling and taxes (if any); but excluding leather covers/portfolios!

For most professionals working full time (240 days/year, no sick leave), that's over $4,160 in annual productivity gains, which represents, on average, a return averaging 100 times your investment.

What you will do with the ten free days is up to you!

Continue to Select the Harvard® Planner or Organizer of Your Choice.

Toll-free: USA & Canada: 1-800-HARVARD (1-800-427-8273). +1-819-772-7777
Monday through Thursday: 9 AM to 4:00 PM, EDT. Voicemail: 24 hours 7 days
European Distribution Centre for Harvard Planners: WH Smith, 248, rue de Rivoli, Paris,75001
Contact : Sylvie Goffinet  +33 1 53 45 84 40. Métro Concorde.