HERB SHEPARD was a pioneering thinker in the Organization-Development movement, an engaging
teacher and mentor of exceptional depth, scope and humility with a gift for recognizing and
nurturing the potential of others. His unselfishness, utter sincerity, compassion and
unwavering commitment touched lives, forged lasting friendships and helped shape the careers of
a generation of leaders and social scientists. He held faculty posts at several universities
including M.I.T., where he received his doctorate in Industrial Economics. He founded and
directed the first doctoral program in Organization Development at Case Western; developed a
residency in administrative psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine, and was also
President of The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland.
Herb conducted the first large-scale experiments in Organization Development, while at Esso in
the late fifties, and served as principal consultant to TRW Systems in its pioneering work in
the application of behavioral science to organizations and teams. He has published widely in
this field and was chairman of the Douglas Memorial Award Committee of the Journal of
Applied Behavioral Science. His research and pragmatic work made a significant contribution to
our understanding of human behavior, self-leadership and social systems from dyads (doctor-patient or
consultant-client) to organizations (leadership, synergy, soft power, principled communications,
alternative dispute resolution, structure, building consensus and caring about the powerless).
It opened the way for further developments
in the psychology of teams, leadership and interpersonal compatibility; cognitive behavior
therapy, social cognitive theory (educational psychology); choice theory; principled
negotiation, positive psychology and organization development.
Herb advised The Professional Development Institute's (PDI) clients and led executive seminars and
workshops including ‘Managing in Turbulent Environment ’. He accepted the honorary
title of President Emeritus for PDI for eight years.
With his death, we have lost not only a mentor, but a warm
person whose friendship, authenticity and values have been precious to us and are felt all the
more deeply now.
Alain Paul Martin
PS: Herbert Shepard's pioneering ideas on human relations and organization development
continue to have an enduring positive impact on countless people and organizations.
This bibiography is compiled and updated to serve scholars, students, leaders and innovators,
who are interested in accomplishing their personal and professional missions with care, compassion, integrity
towards their teams and all stakeholders.
Your feedback and cooperation to maintain these references current are most welcome.
Thus, we can together keep alive the memory of our mentor, role model and dear friend Herbert Shepard.
Herbert Shepard on Wikipedia
Featured Essays in the "Essence of a Proactive Life" Series on
Self-Leadership Development, Management of Change and Life and Career Planning
Self-Leadership Development: Moving Forward in Your Organization and Community
Charting and Living the Life of Your Choice
Other Publications
- Shepard, Herbert: Changing Interpersonal and Intergroup Relations in Organizations, in James March (ed), Handbook of Organizations. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1965
- Herbert A. Shepard and Jack A. Hawley: Life Planning: Personal and Organizational, National Training and Development Service Press, Washington, DC, 1974
- Warren G. Bennis Warren and Herbert A. Shepard: A Theory of Group Development,
in Theodore M. Mills and Stan Rosenberg, Readings on the Sociology of Small Groups, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1970 pp. 220-238
- Herbert A. Shepard: Basic research and the Social System of Pure Science, Philosophie of Science 23, 1956, pp: 48-56
- Robert R. Blake, Jane S. Mouton and Herbert A. Shepard: Managing Intergroup Conflict in Industry, Gulf Publishing, Houston, Texas, 1964, ISBN: 0872013758
- Herbert A. Shepard: "Nine Dilemmas in Industrial Research, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1956, pp. 295-309
- Warren G. Bennis and Herbert A. Shepard: A Theory of Group Development, 1956, Human Relations, No. 9, pp. 415-437
- Warren G. Bennis and Herbert A. Shepard: A Theory of Group Development, in Warren G. Bennis, Kenneth D. Benne, and Robert Chin (Editors),
The Planning of Change, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1962, pp. 321-40
- Herbert A. Shepard, "The Value System of a University Research Group, American Sociological Review, 19, 1954, pp 456-462
- Gordon Greenaway, Harry Johnson, Jessica Lambert, Herbert Shepard: The Dynamic Relationship Between Technology and Social Values,
- Herbert A. Shepard: Innovation-Resisting and Innovation-Producing Organizations, University of Chicago Press, Journal of Business, 40, 1967, pp. 470-477
- Herbert A. Shepard: An Action-Research Model, in Action Research Program for Organization Improvement, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, The Foundation for Research in Human Behavior, 1960
Citations of Herb Shepard's Work
- John D. Adams: Thinking Today as if Tomorrow Mattered: The Rise of a Sustainable Consciousness, Eartheart Enterprises, 1999, ISBN: 0967285909
- Lotte Bailyn, Joyce K. Fletcher, Bettye H. Pruitt and Rhona Rapoport: Beyond Work-Family Balance: Advancing Gender Equity and Workplace Performance, Jossey-Bass, 2001, ISBN: 0787957305
- Tom Barker : Leadership for Results: Removing Barriers to Success for People, Projects, And Processes, ASQ Quality Press, 2005, ISBN: 0873896696
- Richard F. Beckhard, W. Warner Burke, Louis Carter, Jay Alden Conger, Edward E. Lawler III and John Sullivan: Best Practices in Organization Development and Change: Culture, Leadership, Retention, Performance, Coaching, Pfeiffer, 2001, ISBN: 078795666X
- Warren Bennis and Gretchen M. Spreitzer (Editors), Thomas Cummings (Author): The Future of Leadership: Today's Top Leadership Thinkers Speak to Tomorrow's Leaders, Jossey-Bass; 2001, ISBN: 0787955671
- Janet Mancini Billson: The Power of Focus Groups: Focus on Health, Skywood Press; 4th Edition, 2006, ISBN: 0970007523
- Peter M. Blau and W. Richard Scott: Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach, Stanford Business Books, 2003, ISBN: 080474890X
- David L. Bradford and W. Warner Burke (Editors): Reinventing Organization Development: New Approaches to Change in Organizations (Pfeiffer Essential Resources for Training and HR Professionals), Pfeiffer, 2005, ASIN: B000QCUC0A
- Michael Brazzel and Brenda B. Jones: The NTL Handbook of Organization Development and Change: Principles, Practices, and Perspectives, Pfeiffer, 2006, ISBN: 078797773X
- Jim Bolt, Warner Burke, Louis Carter, Marshall Goldsmith and David Ulrich (Editors), W. Warner Burke and Norm Smallwood (Authors): The Change Champion's Fieldguide: Strategies and Tools for Leading Change in Your Organization, Best Practice Publications, 2003, ISBN: 0974038806
- Kenneth A. Bruffee: Collaborative Learning: Higher Education, Interdependence, and the Authority of Knowledge, The Johns Hopkins University Press; 2nd edition, 1998, ISBN: 0801859743
- W. Warner Burke: Organization Development: A Process of Learning and Changing, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1993, ISBN: 0201508354
- W. Warner Burke, Dale G. Lake and Jill Waymire Paine (Editors): Organization Change: A Comprehensive Reader (J-B Warren Bennis Series), Jossey-Bass, 2008, ISBN: 0470260564
- W. Earner Burke: Organization Change: Theory and Practice, Sage Publications, November 2007, ISBN: 141292670X
- Saralea Chazan and Paulina F Kernberg: Children With Conduct Disorders: A Psychotherapy Manual, Basic Books, 1991, ISBN: 0465010555
- Allan R. Cohen: The Portable MBA in Management, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2002, ISBN: 0471204552
- Gene W. Dalton and Paul H. Thompson: Novations: Strategies for Career Management, Novations Group, 1993, ISBN: 0673181812
Saul Eisen: Redesigning Human and Global Systems
A Conceptual and Strategic Framework, the Academy of Management and Case-Western Reserve University
Joint Divisional Conference on the Organizational Dimensions of Global Change, Cleveland, Ohio, May 3-6 1995
- Alyssa Freas, Marshall Goldsmith and Laurence Lyons (Editors), Robert Witherspoon (Author): Coaching for Leadership: How the World's Greatest Coaches Help Leaders Learn, Pfeiffer, 2000, ISBN: 0787955175
- Alex Gitterman and Lawrence Shulman: The Legacy of William Schwartz: Group Practice As Shared Interaction, Routledge, 1986, ISBN: 0866565205
- Stephen G. Haines: Pearls of Wisdom, The Systems Thinking Approach (facilitation Tools, Tips, and Techniques for Group Leaders, Managers and Executives), Systems Thinking Press; 2005, ISBN: 0971915946
- Douglas T. Hall and Brad Harrington: Career Management & Work-Life Integration: Using Self-Assessment to Navigate Contemporary Careers, 2007, ISBN: 141295410X
- David A. Hollinger : Science, Jews, and Secular Culture, Princeton University Press, 1998, ISBN: 0691001898
- Robert Jervis: Perception and Misperception in International Politics (Center for International Affairs, Harvard University), Princeton University Press; 1976, ISBN-10: 0691100497
- Joan Knutson: Project Management for Business Professionals: A Comprehensive Guide, Wiley, 2001, ISBN: 0471380334
- Lela P. Love, Carrie Menkel-Meadow and Andrea K. Schneider: Negotiation: Processes for Problem-Solving, Aspen Publishers, 2006, ISBN: 0735544417
- Jeffrey S. Luke: Catalytic Leadership: Strategies for an Interconnected World, Jossey Bass, 1997, ISBN: 0787909173
- Aubrey Malphurs: Maximizing Your Effectiveness: How to Discover and Develop Your Divine Design, Baker Books; 2nd edition, 2006, ISBN: 0801066123
- Alain Paul Martin: Harnessing the Power of Intelligence, Counterintelligence & Surprise Events, eharvard.org, 2002, ISBN: 0865029245
- Alain Paul Martin: Think Proactive: New Insights into Decision Making, The Professional Development Institute, 1983, ISBN: 0865020000
- Alain Paul Martin: Bringing Time To Life: 120 Practical Tips For Managing Your Time And Enjoying Life, PDI Press, 1994, ISBN: 086502023X
- Massimo Mazzotti : Knowledge as Social Order, Ashgate, 2008, ISBN: 075464863X
- Douglas McGregor: The Human Side of Enterprise, Annotated Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005, ISBN: 0071462228
- O. C. McSwite: Legitimacy in Public Administration: A Discourse Analysis (Rethinking Public Administration), Sage Publications, 1997, ISBN: 0761902740
- Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Lela P. Love, Andrea K. Schneider, Jean R. Sternlight: Dispute Resolution: Beyond the Adversarial Model, Aspen Publishers, 2004, ISBN: 0735544433
- Robert K. Merton: The Sociology of Science: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations, University Of Chicago Press, 1979, ISBN: 0226520927
- D. E. Moggridge: Harry Johnson: A Life in Economics (Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics), Cambridge University Press, 2008, ISBN: 0521874823
- John M. Nicholas : Project Management for Business and Engineering, Second Edition: Principles and Practice, Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd Edition, 2004, ISBN: 0750678240
- Richard Ritti: Work Goals of Scientists and Engineers, Wiley,1968 ISBN: 1468-232X
- Marshall Sashkin: Conflict Style Inventory Trainer's Guide, HRD Press, 1990, ISBN: 0874253217
- Marshall Scott Poole and Andrew H. Van de Ven: Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation, 2004, Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN: 0195135008
- Edgar H. Schein: Helping: How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009, ISBN: 157675863X
- Edgar H. Schein and Joan V. Gallos (Editors): Organization Development: A Jossey-Bass Reader, 2006, ISBN: 0787984264, https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0787984264
- Bob Schultz: The Official Handbook for New Home Salespeople, New Home Specialist Inc., 1990, ISBN: 0967847117
- Camilla Stivers: Democracy, Bureaucracy, and the Study of Administration, Westview Press, 2001, ISBN: 0813398096
- Martin Sundel: Individual Change Through Small Groups, Free Press; 2nd Edition, 1985, ISBN: 0029117909
- Kenneth W. Thomas: Intrinsic Motivation at Work: Building Energy and Commitment, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2002, ISBN-10: 1576752380
Citations in French of Herb Shepard's Work
- Alain Martin: La gestion proactive. L'Institut supérieur de gestion, Gatineau, QC, 1984
- Alain Martin: Conjuguer le temps et la vie, L'Institut supérieur de gestion, Gatineau, QC, 1992
- Roger Tessier, Roger Tessier Yvan Tellier, Yvan Tellier: Méthodes d'intervention, développement organisationnel:
Méthodologie d'intervention,
PUQ, 1992, ISBN 2760506193
- Carole Tremblay: Efficacité d'un programme d'interventionsen développement organisationnel:
Cas d'une entreprise de haute technologie, École de relations industrielles, Faculté des arts et des sciences,
Dissertation de Maîtrise es sciences (M.Se.)en relations industrielles, mars, 1991
- Thierry Weil: Invitation à la lecture de James March.: réfléxions sur les processus de décision, d'apprentissage et de changement dans les organisations,
Les Presses - Mines, Paris, 2000, ISBN 291176224X
Herb Shepard Publication in French
- Herbert Shepard: L'Essence d'une vie proactive: Deux essais pratiques sur la gestion du changement, de la vie et de la carrière,
L'Institut supérieur de gestion, Gatineau, QC, Canada, 1985
Herb Shepard's Publications in Spanish
Citations in Spanish of Herb Shepard's Work
- Herbert W. Armstrong:
Desarrollo Organizacional
- Cecil H. Bell y Wendell L. French, DESARROLLO ORGANIZACIONAL Aportaciones de las ciencias de la conducta para el mejoramiento de la organización
Quinta edición, Traduccion: Guadalupe Meza Staines, Revision Tecnica: J. Othón juárez Hemández, Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana, Mexico
- Warren Bennis: Conducir gente es tan dificil como arrear gatos: Los lideres se pueden hacer, Ediciones Granica S.A., 2001, ISBN 8475778097
- Rodolfo Biasca: Resultados, Edition: 2, Ediciones Granica, 2004, ISBN 9506414467
- Rodolfo E. Biasca: Gestión de cambio: El Modelo Biasca: Organizational Improvement and Change, Outskirts Press, 2005, ISBN 1598001132
- Biblioteca.uson.mx (Publisher):
Planeación de la Vida y la Carrera: Antecedentes Históricos
- Eric Gaynor Butterfield: Capacitacion y Desarrollo Organzacional, Published 12/30/2006, Recursos Humanos
- Eric Gaynor Butterfield: Desarrollo Organizacional e Inteligeñcia Organizacional,
Bibliografía: "Trabajo en Grupos", Editado por
The Organization Development Institute International, Latinamerica, 2005
Desarrollo Organizacional: Trabajos14
Impact del D.O. en México
- Manuel Alfonso Garz¢n Castrill¢n: El desarrollo organizacional y el cambio planeado, Universidad del Rosario, 2005, ISBN 9588225426
- Richard L. Daft: Teoría y diseño organizacional, Cengage Learning Editores, 2005, ISBN 970686363X
- Claude S. George Jr., Maria Mercedes Alvarez Medina: Historia del pensamiento administrativo, Edition: 2, Pearson Educación, 2005, ISBN 9702605504
- Fernando Achilles de Faria: Desarrollo organizacional: enfoque integral, Editorial Limusa, 1983, ISBN 9681815351
- Marshall Sashkin: Cómo afrontar los conflictos: Manual del monitor, Editorial Ramón Areces, 1998, ISBN 8480043172
Citations in German of Herb Shepard's Work
- Volker Rudat:
Die Grundlagen einer Praxis-Theorie der Organisationsentwicklung, ABO-Projekt, Wandel der Universität Bremen, Bremen, März 1997
- Daniel Grenzmann and Marcus Unger:
- Frank Janning and Katrin Toens: Die Zukunft der Policy-Forschung, published in German by VS Verlag fnr Sozialw, 2007, ISBN: 3531157256
- Niklas Luhmann: Soziologische Aufklärung 3, Published in German by VS Verlag fnr Sozialw, 2005, ISBN: 353151394X
- Silke Michalk: Angewandte Organisationsentwicklung in mittelständischen Unternehmen:
Erfolgreiche Veränderungen durch externe Berater, DUV, 2005, ISBN 3824408112
- Herman Parret und Rüdiger Pieper: Diskursive Organisationsentwicklung: Ansätze einer sozialen Kontrolle von Wandel, Walter de Gruyter, 1988, ISBN 3110117320
- Susanne Maria Weber: Rituale der Transformation: Großgruppenverfahren als pädagogisches wissen am Markt, VS Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3531148265
- Gerald Lembke:
Organisationsentwicklung als klassische Möglichkeit, des Umgangs mit Wandel
- Martin Plag: Veränderungsmanagement in Bundesministerien, Eine empirische Untersuchung auf Basis multipler Fallstudien;
DUV business, 2008,
DOI: 10.1007, ISBN: 978-3-8350-5417-2;
- Annett Junk:
Organisation der Pflegearbeit: Arbeitsbedingungen, Belastungsfaktoren und Reformbedarf in der stationären, Altenpflege, Ph. D. Dissertation, 2007.
- Katrin Toens und Frank Janning: Die Zukunft der Policy-forschung: Theorien, Methoden, Anwendungen, VS Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3531157256
- Muellerscience.com (Publisher):
Konflikt und Konfliktlösung, Konflikte im Betrieb, Empirische Untersuchungen zu betrieblichen Konflikten,
Spezielle Psychologien, Mueller Science Literatur
- Katharina Langer: Neue Karrieren, neue Karrierekompetenzen, Ph. D. Dissertation, January 2004, Wien, Österreich